Ohana Therapy Hawaii, Logo

Phone Icon (808) 551-8948
Hours of Operation
Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday: 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Saturdays: 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Family Counseling

Family life can be a rewarding source of joy and support but can also be challenging at times.  All families face problems; some are mild, some severe. Family issues often addressed in family therapy include communication problems, separation or divorce, blended families, sibling conflict, substance abuse, academic issues, financial problems, defiant teenage behavior, grief, and loss. 

Therapy for Families

When family members cannot get along, tension and conflict arise that can adversely impact the mental and physical health of all concerned, even the capacity to handle the tasks of everyday life.  Family therapy is designed to help family members collaborate to address family problems.  Problems do not have to be severe to warrant family therapy. 

Family Counseling

In family therapy, I work with families to help them better understand the issues that are impacting their ability to communicate and resolve conflict.  We examine stressors – both inside and outside of the family – and discuss the feelings and concerns of everyone involved.  We strive to develop new coping methods, improved communication techniques, and problem-solving skills, as well as ways to build a more cohesive family unit.

Family therapy sessions include all family members as the cooperation of everyone in the family is important to the overall success of family therapy.  Individual sessions are also available to help members develop communication strategies to better express their feelings and thoughts within the family environment.  Rather than blame or cause-effect analyses, I help families to focus on what can be done to better the situation.  A harmonious, connected family who cares for and supports each other is the goal, as well as a better quality of family life.